Benefits of Starting a Personal Travel Blog

   In this 21st century, how you present yourself in front of the world will reflect your lifestyle. Even if you are travelling all over the world, if you don't share the stories and pictures with your friends and family in a way they can easily view, your travel joy will not make any big difference to them. A smart, professional travel blog will help make your dreams a reality.

Personal Travel Blog will help you to,

1. Give your own voice on the web, pen down your travel memories very quickly as they are fresh and it can be shared very easily all around the world in no time. It is not only a good place to document your travel information but also a great way to connect with other travelers.

2. The world has shrunk since the Internet has become more accessible. You can keep your friends and family up-to-date with the travel stories, pictures, videos and posts as you travel around the world.

3. A blog can be a one stop place where people find out what you're up to and get in touch easily without you having to email everyone individually. Blogging brings like-minded people together. Starting a blog can help you find those people and share your opinions.

4. It is a real value addition and will add spice to your life. It will help capture your travel memories as they are fresh. It is an opportunity to share your thoughts and views on any travel topic of interest.

Many people use a travel blog just to organize their own travel thoughts, but actually there is a bigger opportunity to attract worldwide audiences of thousands.

For the most part, starting a personal travel blog is extremely easy. If you can write an email, you can maintain a blog as well. It's really that easy. The basic blogging software takes care of all of the scary stuff, like writing HTML and publishing your pages to the web. All you need to do is open your blog account, type your content, add your images or videos and proceed with. Hopefully if you write regularly, your visitors will keep coming back for more.

Personal Travel Blog With Own Domain Name And Space, Is It Possible?

Yes. It is 100% possible you to have a travel blog with own domain name and space.

In the online world there are many free blog providers available to give you free blogging space.

But the main disadvantages are,

1. Your blog will not be registered in your own name and address in the World Wide Web with your own blog space. So, your blog is not yours. If the server crashes or if the free service provider decides to close his service, you might lose everything.

2. Your free blog name does not allow you to have a professional presence on the internet. So, having your own travel blog is the very best option.

For that you need:

1. Domain Name (Blog Name) With Own Web Space.

Select your host provider by searching on the web. Lot of host providers is there in the online world. If you contact them they will provide you the domain name & web space.

2. Travel Blogging Software

After getting your domain name with web space, the first thing you need to have is a Blogging Software. You will not be able to blog without travel blogging software.

Once you have both the domain name with web space and blogging software you will have full control over your blog and you can enjoy blogging.

Advantages of Travel Blogging and What You Should Be Careful About

Travel blogging is all about maintaining a diary on the internet about your travel experience. However, a travel blog may also contain your opinions about the various places in the map, including their socio-economic conditions or the political situations.

What's the need?

One may use a travel blog to share information with the people or their friends. Other may use it as a source of generating income.

It is generally concerning a single trip and it furnishes the most recent details or comments about it. The topics may vary. These may be about the food, politics, some special places, etc. It may include some pictures, videos, text matter or links to some website or other blogs. The content in the blog is related to the travel niche. It may have options to write comments for people.

Repute of travel Blogs:

Travel blogging has become popular with many marketers on the internet. They are using them to describe in detail important features and advantages of their products. Several international companies are making use of blogs as a device for spreading the information about the services offered by them by requesting their customers to post their views on blogs. This is a most effective way of marketing and advertisement by providing firsthand information from the users and their opinions.

The frequent fliers and other professional who travel across the world find the information on the travel blogs very handy and useful. Such information cannot be easily available with any normal printed travel pamphlets. The regular travelers find the word of mouth as reliable information and most relevant for them. It may be about hotels, weather, transport, food or shopping. The availability of useful information has made the travel blogging more widespread.

In many cases it has been observed that travel blog is very helpful for people who own a travel agency. People with a travel agency, use blogging not only to provide information on the tour packages they have to offer, but also share information on the various tourist attractions. This is an efficient way of marketing which is being implemented by most of the internet marketers.


There are many disadvantages and negative features of such blogs. The information on the blog at times may cause some rift or friction. The exploitation is the result of using the blogs as means for advertising by many people. You may make some blog entries easily about some places or services by getting obliged or being paid, whereas as in fact you do not know about these places or have never used the services. The most of the postings and reviews are false and travel companies misuse these blogs to mislead the people for promoting their business.

How to use a travel blog:

It is important to make a proper use of a blog. Blogging has also become misleading, as said; it is significant to ascertain the genuineness of the writer before you draw any conclusion from a travel blog. The opinion of different people may be diametrically opposite to each other. One traveler may be appreciating something exceedingly while the other condemns it so much. It is better to check the profiles of the persons who wrote the blog. Try to know about their personalities before you make a judgment.

You should not bank on the information on a single big travel blog, rather search different blogs at to check different blogs on that topic. There may be big claims far from reality.

How to start travel blogging:

It is easy to start blogging. You can construct a travel blog and maintain it free of cost if you want. To begin, you can get a number of blogging software and install on your server. You can get several committed web tools to maintain the blog effortlessly. There are applications where you do not require a web server. You can use tools such as Elicit, Etco and w blogger to make your travel blog and for writing and editing the posts. There are many tools available for travel blogging on and hosting like AOL, tripod, Yahoo 3600, and Goggle. You can even make the tailor made tools with protected password.

So if you want to start a blog to share your travel experiences, then start it right away. You may start generating money from it too in the long-run. You never know!


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